Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I found this cute idea from Shalyn over at The Nelson Diaries! So I decided to steal it! 
PS go read her blog!!

BTW all you music lovers out there go listen to Augustana's new album NOW!! Well after you finishing reading my blog...then go!

Ladies and Gentlemen here are my ABC's

Age: 24

Bed Size: Queen

Chore You Hate: Folding/putting clothes away! I will either fold them and leave them in the basket all week or they won't leave the dryer

Dogs: One! My Lucy Belle :)))

Essential start to your day: Coffee!

Favorite Color: Black and Turquoise

Gold or Silver: Silver

Height: 5'3" (i get lost in big crowds easily)

Instruments: I use to play clarinet in high school and I "taught" myself very basic piano

Job Title: Associate Producer

Kids: One day

Live: currently..Houston

Mom's name: Jan

Nickname: Goose, Pelican, Bashley, Peapod  (yes they are a little weird)

Overnight hospital stays: Once when I was 2...I had croup


Quote from movie: "Cross my heart and kiss my elbow," Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's

Right or left handed: I'm a lefty...means I'm more creative :)

Siblings: One sister, one brother, a BIL, and a SIL (im the youngest)

Time you wake up: Alarm is set for 7:00....I get up around 7:30!

Underwear: Victoria's Secret

Vegetable you dislike: Squash or Zucchini

What makes you run late: I hate running late, I'm usually early. But if I'm late it's usually cause I oversleep!

X-rays you've had done: my left knee twice, right knee once, and my teeth
Yummy food you make: I get the most compliments on my Shrimp Enchiladas!!

Zoo Animal: I really want a panda! Yes as a pet. Or an elephant! (thanks to Water for Elephants)

seriously...how could you not want one!!

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