Friday, May 6, 2011

If I could marry the weekend I would!

Being in the "8-5 work world" for almost three months now I am really starting to appreciate (huge understatement) the weekends! When I was working hourly I would always just have two random days off during the week. I love having a consistent schedule and I love Fridays and Saturdays like no other!

i want to be on a beach with a pina colado and my ipod...
perfection :)

I'm in a weird mood today. I'm sad.
While I want to be honest and open with you readers there are some personal issues I can't talk about.
These personal issues are making me sad. Conversations need to be had and situations need to be resolved and forgiveness needs to take place. But most of all I want to understand why all this is happening.

Enough of that, after all it is the weekend and the weekends should be joyous occassions. I'll leave the sad stories for Mondays.
Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo and I spent it with the lovely Stacy! We got dinner and had a few drinks! And took silly pictures at the bar. We are both fans of making the platapus face! Don't hate me readers but I forgot to upload said images so you have to use your imagination! They will be posted though! Eventually!

Song/video of the day---
"Hallelujah"--Justin Timberlake and Matt Morris

1 comment:

  1. What's wrong, Boo? Somebody got you all sad? I hate that. I hope it resolves itself soon.


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