Thursday, June 9, 2011

Happy with imperfections

I saw this quote on a blog I read today.

You can see it here.
Awesome post Summer :)

And it really made me think about things...
The last three years has been a roller coaster full of ups and downs.

The ups were unforgettable and amazing and rewarding and love-filled.
{graduating college, my brother's wedding, falling in love, getting Lucy, getting my teacher certification, going on vacations, being with my friends}

But the downs were challenging and heartbreaking and {unfortunately} lead to some dark times.
{car accident, losing relatives, dealing with relatives with mental illness, heartbreak, career challenges, financial obstacles, fall outs with friends}

There were days when I didn't want to get out of bed.
And there were some days when I cried a lot.

Even though I've been through a lot and I have always managed to make it out the other side still hopeful and optimistic.
I think this is why the quote really hit home with me.
I'm a big believer in what happened in the past {good or bad} brought you to be the person you are today.
You learn from the bad and grow with the good.
Everything has an impact on you.
All the downs shaped who I am today.
I still carry the heartbreak and the pain but all the ups helped me get past them and learn from them.

And even though it's hard sometimes I am still optimistic.
Life isn't perfect .
A lot of people waste time trying to be perfect.
That just sounds tiring and hard.
I am not a perfect person.
I have flaws. Trust me!!
But I own my flaws and I own my good traits.
I'm happy with who I am and I won't ever apologize for being myself.
Happiness isn't a destination, it's a journey!

{enjoy the cheesiness my friends}

Song of the day--
Don't Stop Believin'--Journey
I am listening to it right now :)

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