Wednesday, July 6, 2011

what the what??!

Casey Anthoney was acquitted??!?!??!
What the what??!?!
My faith in the justice system is severely damaged.
I was reading article after article on and they said that the defense failed to show enough evidence.
Even if that is true, charge her with something!

In other {not so serious} news:
I need my nails done like whoa!
It's borderline embarassing.
Actually it is embarassing!
Getting my nails done is like my one spurlge.
I don't color my hair and I don't get massages and I don't use expensive makeup/beauty products.
I live on a pretty tight budget.
But my nails, oh my nails, I do get them done once a month.
Since Hawaii my wallet is hurting and therefore some things have to wait a couple of paychecks.
Like my nails.

It's such a sad story I know.

Hmmm what else?? What else??
Stacy and I are going to the movies tonight.
Any suggestions?
Can you believe I haven't seen the Hangover 2 yet?

I miss going to the movies. I miss having a boy to go to the movies with.
It's one of those comfortable dates. Hand-holding and relaxing with them.
There's an old-fashioned drive-in just outside of Dallas I really want to go to.

So basically 'what the what' not only describes my reaction to the Casey Anthoney trial but also your reaction to this really really random blog.

Song of the day--
Somewhere Only We Know--Keane


  1. I too was totally bummed that they didn't/couldn't find her guilty. It makes me sick to my stomach knowing that SHE did it (like OJ) and is walking away a free woman.

  2. I can't believe it about casey anthony either. UNbelievable!

  3. while the casey anthony case is unbelievable, its also unbelieveable that you havent seen the hangover 2!! GET TO THE THEATER GIRL! its amazing!

    but yeah. i watched the verdict and literally couldnt watch her stupid little smile of her being happy she was free when her daughter was DEAD! ARGH! makes me mad

    im officially stealing your "what the what" phrase because i kinda love it


  4. I agree! What the what!!?? Hopefully she lives a lonely life with no boys and no friends.....that would SUCK!

    Don't worry about not seeing Hangover 2. It was a HUGE disappointment. Thankfully Bradley Cooper is hot.

    Get Up & Go


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