Monday, August 22, 2011

I am a bad blogger

Yes I know I have been absent for a couple weeks.
I am a bad blogger!
Here's my dilemma, I have a lot to write about and nothing to write about at the same time.
Please tell me you understand this?
So because of the jumble of thoughts in my head with no real direction to them I have been absent!
But I did not forget about you lovelies!

Job: is going really good!
Like really really good!
 Hopefully soon I will have a post called promotion!
I have missed nutrition!
We are old friends reuniting!
And it feels so good! (sorry for the cheesiness I couldn't resist!)
I love that I love going to work!

As for everything else that's where the jumble of thoughts come in.
I usually post my post on my facebook so a lot of my friends can read it.
I love doing this.
But (and I know some of you appreciate this) there's something about being able to write and not have everyone you know, well, know it too.
So the opportunity to be completely honest on here is not an option sometimes.
It's not that I worry about what people who know me will think but its having the people that know you know everything!
So as a result sometimes you will get vague posts.
Like aside from my job I am very frustrated lately.
Mostly with money but in other areas too.
I love my job but I have to earn getting a promotion. Which equals a bigger salary to help with my, what seems like ever-growing bills.

My thurst for independence is taking over my life right now!
From wanting to decorate my own place to not having to check in all the time.
I can't wait to be independent!
But I will do it the right way, which for me means once I'm out I am not coming back.
So getting out of debt and being financially stable for more than a couple months at a time is essential!
Oh and finding a roommate!
Did I mention I found a great place already??!?!
I get excited easily!

So this post has been.....
I guess that's what you get when I haven't written in a couple of weeks!
My cousin is in town and I am making my famous shrimp enchiladas tonight so there will be a food post about them later this week!

Happy Monday!
Well as happy as Mondays can be!

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