Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I have the best job and yall should be jealous!

Everyday I go to work it just re-confirms that I did the right thing leaving my old job.

I love the nutrition part of it alot.
But the reason I love love love this job is the atmosphere and the people!

We went marketing today to my high school.
Walking the halls and sneaking into our old teachers room was so much fun!

We have a pychopath who threathened to "stick me" and told me I was going to "get got."
Ok not so much fun, ok I was really scared about it, but it makes for a good story.

We constantly have dance off at work!
I don't win.
But still!

Lately one of our younger employees keeps taking his shirt off...yes while in the store and no (thankfully) not around customers! He's about to go to college and wants to make sure his muscles look good!
Oh and this is the kid that usually wins the dance offs!

Today me, my manager, and my co-worker had a serious conversation about how smart it would be for Bravo to make a reality about our store!
Letter to Bravo is in the works!

I've lost weight since working there.
Always a plus!

We try to teach ourselves how to juggle with lemons!
And we have a basketball net set up on the floor!

Don't be too jealous! We do work!
We are the #4 store out of 20 in Houston!
Which makes us badass!!!!

The point is I love my job and I love going to it everyday!
I think this is what people should strive for.
Doing something they love.
This company really wants you to love where you work and I think thats why it's been so successful.

OH and everyone I work with is the shit!!

Happpppy Tuesday!


  1. I love it! I'm so happy for you and I can feel the joy... :) Glad to read about this! Yay you! Question...where do you work?

  2. Thanks honey!! I work at My Fit Foods, it's a Houston based company!


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