Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ready for tomorrow...

Eleanor Roosevelt

I found this quote yesterday and fell in love with it.
I feel like I am in huge transitional period right now and I can't help but have butterflies thinking about my future.
Obviously, the good kind of butterflies :)

Starting my new/old job again.
Getting ready to move out of my parents house.
More butterflies.

For the first time since college I can really see myself moving forward.
You know after you graduate there's that weird 'stuck' feeling??
I bartended for a long time trying to figure out which direction I was going to go in. I couldn't help feeling stuck sometimes.
Not anymore!
I can actually see myself moving forward and I can't help smiling when I think about it!
I can't begin to describe how motivated I am right now!
So incredibly motivated to go back to work and blow them out of the water with me committment and drive to grow with the company.
My motivation to get out of debt, save money, and move out on my own.
My motivation to get back in shape {and stay in shape}.
I think is what Charlie Sheen calls Tiger Blood?!?!
Except I'll use it for good; not hookers and cocaine!

And even though this is only slightly relevant I just recently had to remind myself of this.
I'm not one with regret {I try to find a lesson in everything} but I do sometimes hold on to things when I know I shouldn't.

But really I'm just happy!
And I've been doing a lot of this lately...


Happy Thursday lovelies!

1 comment:

  1. First of all, that's a gorgeous pic of you!

    Second of all, ARE YOU IN LOVE? =)

    Lastly, I think you're on the right track. I love that you have your priorities together and are loving life right now! AWESOME!

    Happy Friday!


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