Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Truth about Blogging

I'm going to throw some serious blog knowledge at you folks!
Or at least how blogging pertains to me!

I am not that honest on here.
I probably write about 8% of my life.

That's right you are missing out on 92% of A Cynical Romantic!
Try not to cry!

I was at dinner last night with my friend Audrey and we were talking about writing and whatnot.
She was asking me about blogging and I realized a startling truth, I keep A LOT from you guys!
I'm not trying to be deceitful but honestly I can't write about some things because people I know, aka pretty much everyone who reads this, read it. 

I try to be upbeat, emphasis on try, and there are personal things which are hard to discuss, especially when trying to protect people's privacy.
I sometimes think about having an entirely second blog, that none of you would know about, so I can air everything! But again, I am trying to protect people's privacy!

I have had a big year, good things and upsetting things and you don't know half of it!
But rest assured I will keep you informed as much as I can especially when it pertains to me solely!

I respect blogger's that can really write about every aspect in their life.
Major props ladies!
I can't.

But today here's what I can give you.

Here's a dream (semi)realized:
I am going to write a book.
Maybe tomorrow.
Or maybe in ten years.
But it will happen!
And yes it will be a love story. No surprise there!
The cynical romantic can write the perfect ending for a fictional story!

Here's my current goal:
Find the positive in every situation.
Thanksgiving was just last week and keeping perspective and being thankful for what I have is truly the most important thing.
Sure there are things I wish I could change and some days I let the self-pity take over, I mean who doesn't have those days, but for every "issue" I have someone has it worse and I should be thankful for what I have.
And I have A MILLION things to be thankful for. So trying to find the good even when it's not an ideal situation is what I will strive for!

A Cynical Romantic

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