Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hey you! What's your favorite movie??

Hey guys-
The medicine I'm on for my kidney infection (sexyy!) has me a little foggy this morning so the creative juices aren't flowing!

So I thought I would ask you guys a question! I know you're out there people!
So my question to you (&me) is What is your favorite movie?

My favorite movie is 'Breakfast at Tiffany's.' Audrey Hepburn is my favorite actress! I love how stubborn and naive she is in this movie. (i can relate, i can be a little stubborn sometimes) The whole time she's trying to convince everybody she's fine on her own even though she knows she isn't. I love everything about this movie! And don't get me started on the kiss-in-the-rain! And when she sings "Moonriver."

loves it!

i have this poster framed over my bed!

SOOOOO tell me; what's yours??


  1. I have 3. Dirty Dancing, (because it's dirty and I like dirty), Pretty Woman (because she plays a hooker and that part's funny to me) and Wedding Crashers because it's something that I would do just so I could eat a lot of good food and cake! ;)

    I've never watched Breakfast at Tiffany's. Can we still be friends?

  2. I love ALL those movies! I think it's funny that Pretty Woman is one of the best romantic comedies ever and she is totally a hooker haha! Hell yeah we can still be friends! But you should see it!


Speak to me!