Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'd like a one-way ticket please!

You all know the Southwest Airline commercials??  With the super super awkward situations followed by "Wanna Get Away"....yeah well I do! I want to get away! Sign me up! My bags are packed! Let's go!

It has been non-stop since December! I've had a lot on my plate! Work, friends, family, Lucy, bills, etc., etc.....

I get stressed really easily! And for the most part I deal with it in a very healthy manner; I hold it in! I might look calm, cool, collected on the outside but on the inside I'm flipping-the-shit out!

Stress during college-piece of cake! Stress during sports-easy peesy! Stress with being an "adult"-I DON'T LIKE IT!!!!

Don't get me wrong I'm glad being an adult, the perks are awesome! But I'm still getting acclimated to allllllllllllllll the responsibilities!
For example: I pay most bills online, I hardly ever write checks anymore. So when I ran out of checks last month there wasn't exactly a fire under my ass to order more. Then April 15th rolled around! Hey Ashley you kinda need checks to pay your taxes! Bring on the penalties!

All together now: Yay responsibilities!

Lesson learned though, I'm pretty sure I will NEVER run out of checks again!

But what I really want is to get away. Just for a few days. I'll come back I promise!
I have Hawaii in two months and I am way excited about that trip. But I don't know I can last till then!

So in the very near future I could/will be running away visiting Austin, Dallas, San Marcos, shoot I'll hit up Galveston if I have to! Who's with me??!


  1. Deep breaths my friend, deep breaths. It isn't always this stressful as an adult, I promise.

  2. Thankfully taxes weren't due this year until April 18th. I gather you got them done before today? If so, rejoice, for all is well.

    Sounds like you have way too much on your plate right now. Take luck with it all, and stay happy!


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