Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Like how I spiced up my title by using spanish instead of english??? I'm getting crazy over here peoples!

A lovely thing happened today, I got a Starbucks gift card for my adminstrative assistant duties. I might have confused some of you because I am actually a why might you ask would I get rewarded for being receptionist?? Because part of my job is to answer the phone when the receptionist is at lunch/breaks/vacations. I do this job with a smile on my face and often get complimented on my attitude for doing the job so little people want to do. (I don't tell them that I complain inncessantly to friends and family about sitting at the front...) WELLLLLL it pays to have a good attitude especially when you might be doing something less than desired. I was rewarded with a Starbucks gift card!!!

I got a little's Wednesday so let's do the usual!

What I'm Loving Wednesdays! Or should I say...Lo que estoy amando Miercoles!

Obviously I am loving my starbucks gift card!! I've been on a budget so I haven't had my skinny caramel macchiatos in a while, so I'm pretty excited :))))    <--- see how many smiles I added!

I'm hating  LOVING my workout that I have scheduled for after work! Let's face it, exercise and I have a love/hate relationship. I love it before and after BUT during I want to cry! Occassionally I love it through the whole process; before, during, and after! But honestly whenever I do cardio and legs I want to run away. (and when I say run away I mean walk away because I hate all forms of cardio)

I'm loving that my jeans are getting big on me! (this is the real reason I love my workouts) They aren't gross baggy on me (when that happens I will be buying new jeans, duh!) but they are getting a little more roomie!

I am loving last night's episode of One Tree Hill. Two reasons: one the show is amazing  AND two I found a new band!! Olin and the Moon!


I am loving the 2 dresses I got at Forever 21! They will be making an appearance this weekend! (and in Hawaii!)

Lastly I am loving my music! I went through some of my older music the other day and rekindle my love with Dashboard Confessional (i know there are haters out there but I will always love them) So I will leave you with a song my bloggy friends...

Hands Down-Dashboard Confessional

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