Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Was that necessary?

One of the things I like to pride myself on is I'm a nice person. I hate confrontation and I usually try to avoid at all costs.
With that being said I also like to joke around and mess with my friends. And I do so in a fun manner. Never demeaning or condscending. And if something I said or did came off that way I would feel horrible!

So I don't understand when people (cough cough someone I work with) has to take it too far and be...well...a prick! It honestly takes a lot to make me really upset. And this guy did it. They claim to be a comedian or 'good' at jokes. Dude..check yourself before you wreck yourself because you aren't funny, you're just rude!

In short telling someone that what they do or who they are isn't important isn't necessary especially when nothing has been done or said to deserve a comment like that. If that makes you feel better about yourself because you are able to put someone down and you can call it "joking" then you're not someone I want to associate with.

I'm still new at my job and I'm still learning how to do it and I'm working hard to be good at what I do and your comment (whether it was in a joking manner or not) was 'effed' up!

So congratulations dude-you pissed me off and not a lot of people (besides stupid drivers) can actually do that!


  1. Well now I'm all kinds of curious on how this guy pissed you off! What did he say?

  2. Honestly he said that my job was unimportant compared to what he did. It was more how it said it more than anything. But he basically wanted to let me know that because I do my 8 hours and I can leave on time my job didn't matter. He was there till midnight so that means his is more important.


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