Wednesday, May 18, 2011

30 Truths--Day Three

Day Three-
Something you have to forgive yourself for

Is it just me or are all these pretty heavy questions so far.
I'll be honest I only really skimmed the questions before deciding to do this.
Non-the-less I'll keep answering them...for now!

I guess I need to "forgive" myself for not making the most out of college.
Sometimes I wish I could go back and redo it as the person I am today.
I was much more shy and reserved at 18.
Oh and I had never been away from home.
Sheltered much?
We referred to the city I grew up in as "the Bubble" because nothing really ever bad happened.
And the majority of the people were rich and privileged.
So I was a little on the naive side when I went to college.

Don't get me wrong, I loved parts of college.
I have a TON of wonderful memories I wouldn't trade for anything.
I don't think I could have had a better roommate!
Shout out to Kendra :)
But I do wish I had participated more.

Kendra and me freshman year!
We did this stuff all the time.
We are SOBER!

DID I mention that Kendra and I are having a reunion of EPIC proportions in July?!?!
Can I tell how awesome that post will be!
Stay tuned!

Sorry that was juicer friends...
I wrote a post before about not liking regret so I don't really ever have things I need to forgive myself for.
It would have been much better if I was drunk and got a weird tattoo.
Sorry to disappoint!

Song of the Day--
Sidewalks--Story of the Year

1 comment:

  1. I lived with a stupid boy all throughout college. I wish so badly that I could get a re-do but then I wouldn't have met soul mate. It's crazy how things work out sometimes!


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