Monday, May 2, 2011

That was random...

It's Monday. And I don't feel good.
Enough said.

Here are some randoms:

  • When I was in middle school and high school  I used to write screen plays. True story. One was about a guardian angel who fell in love with a human. And the other one was about the Loch Ness Monster. I'm Scottish.
  • I wore a hoodie and jeans to work today and I am by no means considered undressed.
  • When I was little I wanted to have two girls and name them after characters from Baywatch.
  • If I could afford to buy copious amounts of truffle oil I would cook with it everyday!
  • I am currently listening to Dog Days Are Over-Florence+The Machine on repeat!
  • If I had to live in another state I would live in Colorado. It's one of the prettiest places I've been!
  • I have nerve damage on my ring finger on my left hand. It happened when I was baretending and I was cleaning a wine glass and it broke and the stem of the glass when through my finger!
  • I love scary movies! The SAWs series are a favorite! And the Exorcist! (mainly because me and Kendra watched it together in our dorm room, both of us in my bed, with the lights on, because we "heard" a noise!!)

Now it's time for a nap!

I think it's obvious that my song of the day is.....(insert drumroll)
Dog Days Are Over--Florence + the Machine!


  1. You mentioned nothing about your hot date on Friday night. Deets girl, deets! :)

  2. the details are coming i promise!

  3. HAHAHA! You said undressed! I had to re-read that again but I totally get it now. I was hoping you weren't undressed at work!

    I've never cooked with truffle oil. What is it and why is it good? Maybe I should get some!

    I love that song! It's so catchy!

    Yikes...nerve damage? That's not good. I'm glad you still have a finger though.

    I hope you had a great day!


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