Thursday, June 2, 2011


More specifically, my life is weird.
I pass the same car on my way to work everyday.
At the same intersection.
That's weird.

Work is weird.
Personal life is weird.
Typing the word weird over and over again starts to make it look weird.

I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop but with my whole life.
It feels unsettled.
 I feel unsettled.

I'm not sad or angry.
I'm a happy person.
I just feel like I'm waiting for something to happen.
I don't know.
It's weird.

Does anyone else feel like this sometimes?


In other random news.
I've been writing notes for our dog sitter and I'm growing more and more anxious leaving Lucy for such a long time.
I'm going to hate being gone from her for almost two weeks!
 I feel like I should warn the dog sitter because I'm going to be blowing up her phone checking on Lucy!

One of the office stalkers (oh did I forget to mention that there are now two awkward guys I work with..yay me! I feel like I'm in high school trying to avoid these guys in the hallway to avoid future awkward moments)
tried to ask me out.
I shut it down.
Oh even better he tried to ask me out in a text message.
 After getting my phone number off the office call list.
(this is why work is weird!)
I understand now why some people prefer to work at home.
Screw less distractions and getting more work done.
It's totally because it's a lot less awkward to run into your dog or spouse or roommate in the hallway then some creeper with bad social skills.

And to wrap up the weird blog entry.
I want to shout out to Stacy for telling me over the phone that my blog is funny and she reads it everyday!
My best friend is not bias at all!
Love you stacyface!

Song of the day--
Say (All I Need)--OneRepublic

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