Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Done and done!

I did it.
I put my two weeks in.
HUGE sigh of relief! I am one step {really two weeks} closer to being back in nutrition!

People don't mess around when it comes to office gossip.
I told my boss yesterday at 2:30pm.
The CEO keeps asking me for input to make my position better in the future.
The receptionist asked me why I didn't tell her.
And the editing boys are taking me to lunch to 'celebrate!'
I think they're jealous I'm getting out!
The real question is...
what am I suppose to do with all my business cards???
Recycle them?

Eh, regardless I am ridiculously excited!
As should you readers because no more incessant complaining about my job!
Virtual toast! Since it's only 10:00am, let's toast with a mimosa or bloody mary!
I guess since it's virtual you can really toast with whatever you like.
Anyway, clink!

I finally finished uploading pictures from Hawaii so instead of taking three or four posts to write about it, I'll just overload you with pictures!

Our resort

I made a new friend!

These flowers were only $5.00


Heidi and me under Secret Falls

View from our condo on Oahu!
Me, my SIL, and sister!

We buried Adrian!

Made friends with a band and then proceeding to crash a high school reunion! Class of 1969!

We saw where Jurasssic Park was filmed!

Just some highlights from my trip!!!

Song of the day--


  1. YAY for quitting your job! Remind me what you do again?

    We've been to Hawaii twice. Once on our honeymoon and once with M's parents. The first time was to Maui and the second time we went to Kauai. I loved them both for different reasons. It was a wonderful vacation. I would love to go back again. Airfare is ridiculous though. It looks like you had a great time. It's soooo pretty there!

  2. CLINK!!! And I love your new friend hahaha :) Cute.

    Belly B :)

  3. Congratulations! I totally clinked with apple cider because I've been craving some lately.

    And those flowers are gorg.


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