Monday, July 25, 2011

I'm a pansy...

I usually hate Mondays but today is slightly different.
Remember when I said I had BIG news??!?
Today I am putting my two weeks in at my current job!!!!
No more complaining over here!
I got my old job back in nutrition and I can't wait to start!!
The only thing in my way is the very 'grown-up' conversation I have to have with my boss.
I am avoiding it at.all.cost.
I don't do well in these situations at all.


My overall concern with the conversation is
1. I will probably cry {I mean really it's unavoidable, seriously I hate that I am such an easy crier}
2. I hate disappointing people.

I have to keep focused on the outcome:
I will be happier once I leave this job!!

My beautiful best friend Stacy, is taking me to lunch today to celebrate and get me drunk to make the conversation easier. {I'm totally kidding about getting drunk but I won't pretend I didn't seriously think about it!!}
I'm still trying to figure out a way for her to be there with me when I do it. You know, to hold my hand.
Because I'm a pansy.
So far I got nothing.

Who could get mad at these girls??? ^ {I never realized how close her tongue was to my eye, totally freaks me out!}
Answer: my boss. He would probably have security escort us from the premises. Oh and we don't even have security. He would hire someone for the hour. Do they have those?? Rent -a-cops by the hour?? Sounds sketch if they did.

Ok, so I am probably making this a MUCH bigger deal than necessary but I really really don't want to do it.
But I will.
At the end of the day.

But don't let my pansy-ness distract from the fact that I am really excited about going back into nutrition!
I even think about going to grad school one day for it!

Ok lovelies, wish me luck!!
You know I will post about how it went!
Have a great Monday :)

Song(s) of the day--
Can't stop listening to Augustana and Trent Dabbs today, I think it's keeping me calm haha.

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