Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Confessions!

I'm so mad at myself.
It's Friday so that means it's suppose to be Foodie Friday.
I have a recipe and pictures but it's on my home computer!
Sorry guys!
So instead today I thought I'd do a confessional!

Happy Friday!!

I CONFESS: that my itouch is still on Hawaii time. So everytime I turn it on I know what time it is there and I picture what I'd be doing.

I CONFESS: I might be hiding something from you  might start with a "B" and it might rhymes with toy...
Hopefully you can put two and two together...

I CONFESS: that I am ready for my two weeks to be over so I can start my new job. One week down, one to go!!

I CONFESS: that I am ready for the fall/winter! I'm ready for football and sweathers/scarves and hot chocolate and cuddling with lots of blankets and soup and holidays and my birthday and family gatherings and pretty much everything fall/winter related! Maybe snow...I also confess that I haven't really seen real snow!

 knit pullover sweaters.jpg Finding Trendy Knit Pullover Sweaters for Spring

I CONFESS: that I really really appreciate the support I've been getting about changing my job. There are a few people who aren't excited about my decision but for those of you {irl and on here} who have given me encouragement and support I thank you so much! You helped me make this decision! :))

I CONFESS: I want my own place. No explanation needed.

I CONFESS: I've been smiling a lot lately.
Even through all the stress...

Lovelies, have a great weekend! :)

Song of the day--
Off We Go--Trent Dabbs!

{had it on repeat on my way to work}
{I promise I listen to music besides Trent Dabbs and Augustana but they are oh so good!}


  1. I keep Honolulu as one of my favorites on my iPhone's weather app and time zone favorite. It makes me miss it but I can't help not looking!


  2. A BOY? I need more details! You can't leave us handing! It's cruel and unusual punishment.


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