Thursday, July 28, 2011

Na na na na na na na na na na...backpain!

I woke up yesterday with cray-zey back pain.
However readers, this is normal for me.
Combined with my big knockers {I'm not trying to be cocky, but they are big and I hate them!} old whiplash injury, and my sucky-sucky mattress I tend to wake up in pain pretty frequently.
And yet, I have never been to a chiropractor.
I guess I'm a masochist. 

But yesterday and today I woke up in worse pain than usual. Like wake-up in the middle of the night because it's so uncomfortable!
I don't know if it's a whiplash flare-up.
Or because I started working out again.
Or because my body's slowly turning on me!
But holy moly I'm popping Tylenol Rapid Release like they're tic-tacs!

Side note: I was in a car accident about three years ago and I got whiplash. My smartass decided not to go to the doctor for it and just treat it with Tylenol PM. Well when you don't get "proper" treatment for whiplash it can cause permanent damage and give you flare-ups from time to time. Sweet!

I'm suppose to go dancing tonight!
So Tylenol and I will be best friends today!

backpain Herbal Remedies For Back Pain

In other random news, my credit card extending my limit today.
This scares me.
Why is the bank encouraging me to spend more!?!?!
Bad bank!

Also I think my boss is coping with my two weeks notice by giving me extremely random busy work to do.
He asked me to make billing memos my six months here I have never been in charge of getting the billing memos ready for projects. So naturally after putting in my two week's notice I should learn how to do this?!?!  Earlier this week he literally sent me an email just so I could essentially forward it to someone else...umm shot in the dark here maybe you could have just sent it to them yourself and cut out the middle man. Just a suggestion. :)

Have a great Thurday lovelies!!
I'm off to "do" work!

Song of the day--
Copperhead Road--Steve Earle

{I will be dancing to this later tonight :)))}

1 comment:

  1. Go to a chiropractor! Eep, that sounds horrible!

    Lol, your boss...he's just bitter because you'll be out of there soon enough!


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