Monday, August 1, 2011

If Monday was a person, I'd kick their ass!

Why do Mondays suck so bad??
Seriously, it's just wrong to have Mondays!
Obviously Mondays=grouchy Ashley!

in a couple weeks I won't mind Monday nights...
because it will be Monday Night Football!
August 15th I will be at the first pre-season game for the Texans! 

Anyway I'd thought I would do a weekend recap so it will distract me from the Monday blues.

*Wild West

{sidenote this weekend I drank more wine then I did last year!In a non-alcoholic way, it just seemed to be my drink of choice this weekend!}

*Crab enchiladas
*Steak & Potatoes

{I like how each meal gets an asterisk}

*Chips and salsa
*Peanut butter chip pancakes
*Brother's birthday
*Texans tickets
*Losing my voice

{I sound like I have smoked three packs a day for 40 years! :(( }

That more or less sums up my weekend.
Yes, I know there are NO pictures!
I am lamesauce!
I will work on it this week/weekend :)

Oh, and I found a recipe for a future Foodie Friday!
Anyone interested in homemade fried oreos?!??!

Yummy fried oreos from last year at the Texas/OU game!

Since I already feel "sick" (remember I lost my voice) am I a bad employee if I leave sick for the rest of the day and get my nails done?!?!?

Song of the day--
Stupid Mouth--John Mayer

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