Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sweatpants here I come!

As soon as my clock says 5:30 I.am.gone!
Today has been hellish.
You know what's worse than having a job you really don't like??
Being really busy at a job you don't like working on an insane project!
Say hello to extra stress I don't need!

Deep breath in, deep breath out!
I just want my sweatpants, leftover Olive Garden, and my bed!

It's one of those days when you want to hit something {or someone} or scream or run away and create a false identity so they can never find you again. Too much???
Did I mention it's been a crappy day?

 Sorry readers I don't mean to be unloading about my job all the time.
Venting on here helps!
But I will be making decisions soon so you won't have to hear read my bitching anymore!


Random subject change coming at you now!
I am currently snacking on an awesome and HEALTHY homemade trail mix!
Here's the breakdown for you:
pumpkin seeds
dried blueberries
sunflower seeds
chocolate nibs

Mix all together and enjoys!
It's a good energy booster in the middle of the day!

And shout out to Stacy--
she went to lunch with me today and heard me vent about work too!

Song of the day--
Sing--My Chemical Romance


  1. I love Sing by Chemical Romance. Great workout song!

    Sorry your day was crappy. Sadly, I love my job so I don't know how that feels.

    Oh and sweatpants, bed and Olive Garden sound like the perfect solution to your yuck day!

    Get Up & Go

  2. Thanks Sarah!! The sweatpants and olive garden made me feel better :)


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