Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Darwin was a smart man!

For those of you who live under a rock, it's shark week.
Wait, it needs more emphasis than that.

It's addicting to watch!
It's like television crack!
But I will admit, several years ago I did not understand the allure of watching sharks eat people and what not.
Then I smartened up!

My favorite thing about watching shark week is commented on all the stupid people.
**Disclaimer if you or somone you know was attacked by a shark and it was random this does not apply to you.
I'm talking about the people who hear the shark reports and still go in the water.

I should probably preface this by saying that I am a teensy bit nervous of big bodies of water.
I'm scared.
The ocean is just so big and immense and you can't always see what's around you.
Not for me!
Don't get me wrong, I love the ocean and snorkeling and I even learned to surf.
But I am a nervous-wreck when I'm in the water and I rarely go deeper than my waist.
Besides the place to be is on the beach getting sun!

So I was watching SHARK WEEK last night with T and it amazes me how stupid some people are.
Darwin was on to something with his whole survival of the fittest/natural selection idea.
Case in point: we were watching a show about attacks in Austrailia. There were 18 attacks in 3 months!! Thats 6 attacks a month! And people were still going in the water!!!! WTF! One guy even said he dreamed about being attacked the night before he was!!!! I don't understand these people!
I get that some people aren't scared of the water and even some surfers are used to seeing sharks all the time when they're in the water. BUT attacks are different than sightings!! I kinda don't feel sorry for these people!

What part of any of those pictures makes you want to be around them!
And apparently being in a boat isn't safe either. These effers can jump!

No, thank you!

I know what you're thinking I'm not paranoid about sharks but when you watch an hour-long show of people repeatedly getting attacked in a small area, you start to wonder if these people are stupid for getting in the water over and over again...

Moral to this post....go watch shark week, it's amazeballs!

PS I finally got my nails done!! I may or may not have left work early to do them....

And thanks to Em at Em=Me for posting this song yesterday on her blog.
It has been on repeat ever since!!

Song of the day--
Slow Your Breath Down--Future of Forestry

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