Thursday, August 25, 2011

:)) I'm smiling because it rained!!

I have a slight obsession with rain/thunderstorms/heat lightning.
And by slight I mean it makes me flipping happy
{unless I'm driving on the freeway because a little rain makes drivers even more stupid than they already are}

It started last night with heat lightning.
I literally stood in front of my house for like 20 minutes just watching it.

I don't know what it is but it amazes me.

There's nothing better than sleeping while it's raining.
Being cuddled up in blankets and listening to it.
Pure Heaven!

The smell of rain.
Really don't need to explain that!

Playing in it.
Not caring about your hair or makeup or clothes and just having fun in it!

It stormed while I was at work today.
The best part is at my job it's completely floor-to-ceiling windows so I get to watch it!
Sidenote: the windows make for fantastic people-watching too!

And {probably like every girl} I want to be kissed in the rain!

Kiss in the rain

rain #kiss #love

#kiss in the rain

And not just a kiss, a make you feel dizzy, weak in the knees, kind of kiss!

So basically any way you look at it
rain is the best!



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