Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Yes, I know, it's been awhile!

The only benefit of my last job was that I was on the computer all.the.time. so writing my blogs were a lot easier!

I  miss writing on here.

So, if I even still have readers, I am sorry I was gone!
I'll try to write more often!
Forgive me??


I heard "yes" so let's keeping going!

The last couple of days have kicked my ass.
Nothing specific happened.
Ever have one of those days where it just seems like every issue you have going on all comes up on the same day in one way or another???
At some point yesterday (maybe after a few cocktails....) I got overwhelmed and dumped ALL my problems on my bestie!
Stacy I love you!
The best thing about venting to Stacy is she gives tough love! So today I woke up motivated and said "F*** you" to my issues and didn't dwell on them. The problems I can control-I will work on. The problems I have no control over-I have to stop worrying and just hope things turn out ok.

In other news, I  have one of my best friends in town and I'm going out with him tonight and some friends!

Work is going well....so well I decided to work six days a week for awhile since we're short-handed right now! I may regret this when I yearn for a day to sleep in but for now I need the money!!

My birthday weekend in Austin is coming up! I can't stress enough how much I need a weekend to just do anything and be carefree!! And I can NOT wait to be back in Austin! I miss it so much!

I've been working out like crazy lately to get back in shape and I'm thinking about posting before and after pictures on here. I think I'm crazy for wanting to do this. But I want to be a little vain and show you all my progress! Haha...

I'm not really vain btw!
If anything I would have to be inebriated to actually hit the publish button on that post.
Anyway I have to see if my professional airbrusher will be available to edit my pictures anyway :)

Alright guys after doing 525 crunches (yes you read that correctly, I am crazy serious about getting back in shape) and the rest of my workout I need to shower!

Have a happy Tuesday!

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